Smash Burgers
This is a super fast and easy way to make great burgers. No worrying about if they are done to the right temperature, just make sure you have a good crust and don't overcook them and they will be delicious.
I use a 12 inch carbon steel, but cast iron or stainless should work. I wouldn't use non stick since you are heating a dry pan over medium high heat and you don't really want to get a non stick pan that hot.
The only downside is the ability to only do one at a time, but they do cook really quickly so you should be able to make 4 of them in about 10 minutes. Watch the video below for more detailed instructions.
- 1 lb 80/20 ground beef
- 4 1 oz slices of cheese (american, cheddar, muenster)
- Salt
- Form beef into 8 2oz balls.
- Heat a 12 inch skillet over medium high heat
- Put 2 balls in a 12 inch skillet and smash with a spatula until flat. Sprinkle with salt.
- Cook for about 60-90 seconds on the first side until you see a crust forming around the outside.
- Scrape the patties using the back of a spatula to release from the pan and flip.
- Put cheese on one patty and wait 20 seconds.
- Place second patty on top of patty with cheese and remove to plate/bun.
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